Yoga Workshop
« Mulâdhâra Cakra / The right stability »
Hosted by Lara Bruhl
Sunday, May 12, 2019
3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
“ Dans la terre ayant pénétré, je soutiens les créatures par mon énergie ;
et je nourris toutes les plantes, devenu sève savoureuse ”Bhagavad- Gîtâ, Chant XV, 14
In the Indian vision, our life is supported by a vital energy called Prana.
The ancient sages listed seven main spots in the body symbolizing energy centers situated along the spine or at the top of the skull: these are the cakras.
Tradition associates each of them with a circular shape, a dominant color, a lotus flower with a certain number of petals, a totem animal, a sacred syllable…
Their role is to centralize, store and then distribute this life force throughout the body.
Certain knots or blockages can alter this good circulation and cause us to “stop functioning smoothly”.
In this workshop, we will recognize and rebalance this space where the “root cakra” (Mulâdhâra Cakra) is located as the foundation of a just and dynamic stability.
Lara Bruhl
Lara Bruhl is a yoga and Tehima teacher, actress, director and dancer.