“ L’esprit se meut et raisonne, l’âme s’émeut et résonne ”
François Cheng
A practice that makes sense
My teaching is part of a tradition and a concrete application that draws its source of inspiration from the teachings of TKV Desikachar (great yogi, son and student of the famous master T. Krishnamacharya).
It is a yoga that favors an adapted approach (viniyogah) with regard to the aspirations, abilities, or needs of each person and which gives great importance to the breath.
“On the mat”, we create the favorable ground to cultivate each moment of practice with this double quality filled by vigilance and ease (sthira-sukham asanam YSII, 46).
Learning to identify within oneself what relaxes, resists and transforms is to welcome permanent adjustments towards a better balance, where life within us expresses itself more freely.
I am a qualified teacher from the French Institute of Yoga (IFY). I teach yoga in individual and group classes and organize different themed workshops each season.
My journey first led me to discover and experience the contribution and benefits of yoga in the work of the actor through my meeting with Isabelle Busson, with whom I practiced for many years.
I then undertook continuous training with Laurence Maman, Chantal Zanon, Béatrice Missud and Laurence Arcile at the CAY (Connaissance et adaptation de yoga) in Versailles.
To further perfect my practice and my knowledge of yoga, I followed (in France and India) the teachings of Laksmi Ranganathan, Peter Hersnack, Michel Alibert, N.Chandrasekaran, Bernard Bouanchaud, Martin Neal or Régine Chopinot, through internships or individual classes. I have also followed the study and sung recitation of the Yogas Sutras with Laurence Maman.