Dance the world
“ Garde toujours dans ta main la main de l’enfant que tu as été ”
Miguel de Cervantès
What is the Téhima?
TÉHIMA, which means harmony in Hebrew, is a set of 22 movements whose choreographies are associated to Kabbalistic symbolism, calligraphy and the dynamics of the letter.
At the source
In the poetics of the Sepher Yetsirah or Book of Creation, a collection at the base of Jewish mysticism elaborated between the 3rd and 6th centuries A.D., we understand that the world was created by letters.
Each of the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet is related to a part of the body, an organ, a vertebra, or a numerical value.
They are also located in the cosmos and are related to a star, a constellation, a direction, a cardinal point, a feeling, a verb, a day of the week or a month of the year..
This body/letter relationship is the fruit of meditations by great Kabbalist masters who often could be both doctors and astronomers. Hebrew meditation, although few people know of its existence, is a practice mentioned as early as Genesis, the first book of the Bible.
Radio J - Interview with Lara Bruhl
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