Quel est ton désir ?

Yoga Seminar

« What is your desire? »

“Play and Yoga” seminar hosted by Laurence Maman and Lara Bruhl

September 22nd to 24th, 2023
Le Milieu – Paris 12

“ Le désir, peut-être, est le don qu’aucun don ne procure. ”

Emily Dickinson, Lettres à Louise Norcross, 1872

“ L’analysant n’a plus peur de faire de son désir une valeur inconditionnelle, parce qu’il sait qu’il ne dispose de rien d’autre pour animer sa vie, entre le moment de sa naissance et celui de sa mort. Celui qui ne cèdera pas sur son désir est alors celui qui peut être trahi par d’autres sans trahir son propre désir… Ne pas céder sur son désir signifie que le seul bien qu’on ne sacrifiera jamais, c’est le désir. ”

Clotilde Leguil, « Ne pas céder sur son désir », La Cause du Désir n°111,
As-tu agi en conformité avec ton désir ? Paris, Navarin, 2022.

Linking a sensitive, intimate approach to theatrical performance with the practice of yoga on the theme of desire is what we propose to explore in this new workshop. Through collective improvisations that focus on being present to oneself and to others, we’ll seek to unfold our imaginations, bring our creative memories to life, and express the poetry in each of us through and in our voices and bodies. Guided readings will be initiated in play. We’ll use extracts from the kāmasūtra treatise as a starting point, as well as texts drawn from the repertoire of theater, novels, poetry and song, echoed by postural and meditative practices. We’ll be looking to break out of our “obedience” and joyfully open up a field of reflection and dialogue on the place of desire and love in our lives.

Lara Bruhl

For yoga practitioners, the living reference to the yogasūtra is essential. A certain interpretation of the word rāga, if translated as “desire”, might lead us to think of it as a great “troublemaker”, an enemy to be eradicated. But rāga is more about compulsion, the passion that stains our relationships red. We’ll go in search of something else, let’s say the “right” desire, the vital desire.

Laurence Maman

Hours: friday 5:00pm – 8:00pm | saturday 9:30am – 5:30pm | sunday9:30am – 4:30pm.
Price: 250€

Laurence Maman is a yoga teacher, ex-physician, now psychoanalytically oriented, and singer.
Yoga and Tehima teacher Lara Bruhl is also an actress, director and dancer.


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