Yoga Workshop / Conference
« Living and accompanying change »
Crossed perspectives: Yoga and Cancer, which possibilities?
Hosted by Prof. Florence Huguet, Head of Oncology and Radiotherapy Department at the Tenon Hospital (Paris) and Lara Bruhl, Yoga Teacher
Date to come
“ Même seule et immobile
Je suis
Les mille mouvements du monde. ”Nancy Huston
« Cancer », the word is spoken and it sweeps away everything in its path.
For many people, « Cancer » is still synonymous with death, even though more and more people are being cured of this disease, which is considered to be the illness of the century.
Nevertheless, it is still an ordeal that will mark those who go through it, marking their bodies often, but also their minds. This trial will impose a pause on their life path, or even change it, give it a completely different direction or reveal certain underground currents.
« Why me? Why now? » are questions that often arise after the shock of the announcement.
The search for meaning in the face of illness is a step shared by many.
The « Parinama » change is a very important notion in the philosophy of yoga; it outlines and shapes our lives, and can be the cause of suffering, but it can also offer the possibility of welcoming these moments of transformation as a source of renewal.
The practice of yoga is one of the possibilities to find a form of appeasement, to allow a better reconciliation of body and mind that can find themselves dissociated during often trying treatments.
At each step, the work of yoga invites us to a better presence in the world and in ourselves.
It has even been scientifically proven that regular practice of yoga significantly reduces the risk of relapse after breast cancer treatment, so why not try it?
Florence Huguet / Lara Bruhl
If you wish to book online for more than one person, each reservation must be made separately.