Our “angered” bodies / Our “past” bodies

All the workshops Lou Montézin, Femme-oiseaux. Writing Workshop « Our “angered” bodies / Our “past” bodies » Hosted by Sigrid Carré-Lecoindre, autrice et dramaturge. Writing workshop for gendered people. Including trans men and women, and...

What is your desire?

Past events Yoga Seminar « What is your desire? » “Play and Yoga” seminar hosted by Laurence Maman and Lara Bruhl September 22nd to 24th, 2023Le Milieu – Paris 12 “ Le désir, peut-être, est le don qu’aucun don ne procure. ” Emily Dickinson, Lettres à...

Workshop The body and its five breaths

Past events Yoga Workshop « The body and its five breaths » Hosted by Lara Bruhl, Yoga Teacher Saturday, March 16th 20243:00pm > 6:00pm “ Ils ont vu la trace de l’oiseau ” Rk-Samhita In the tradition of yoga, man is animated and supported by the activity of...

Workshop Anahata

Past events Yoga Workshop / Introduction to chakras « Anahata: Where the infinite expresses itself » Hosted by Lara Bruhl Sunday 1st March 20203:00 pm – 6:00 pm “ Aime et dis – le par ta vie. ” Saint-Augustin In the Indian vision, our life is supported by...


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